<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=395040234014482&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"/> International Campaign for Tibet

Sign Our Petition to Congress For Tibet Lobby Day 2022!

We’re about to take Tibet to the Hill—and we need you to join us.

Our annual Tibet Lobby Day is coming up September 22-23, and we want to show the full strength of our movement for Tibet to our lawmakers in Congress. You can help by signing our petition calling for our leaders to support pro-Tibet legislation and help protect Tibetans’ human rights.

By signing, you’ll call on your Representatives to cosponsor the Resolve Tibet Act, which will clarify US policy by officially recognizing Tibet’s status as unresolved. You’ll also urge your Senators to support a companion effort, as well as protections for Tibetan religious freedom and funding for Tibetan programs.

We can make this year’s Lobby Day a success—but only if people of compassion like you stand with us. Sign the petition today!